Contoh Writing Bahasa Inggris : Social Media

Social media

 Hi, my name is petrus priyanto and you can call me petrus. I’m from xi – marketing. I want to tell you about social media. I think social media is very helpful in expanding our knowledge. Social media is an application or media where people are sharing  their stories with other people. Social media refers to interact among people in which they create, share, or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and network. Social media has advantages an disadvantages. Advantages of social media that we can meet up with other people we don’t know, multipy your friends, as the media buy and sell of the goods or service and as an information center of knowledge. There are advantages and also there are disadvantages. Disadvantages of the social media that is forgotten in time and people will be lazy to do many things. There are many people known about social media example ; facebook, twitter, wechat, instagram, path, kakaotalk and etc. We often heard fraud in social media which has claimed many victims. How do we avoid it? Don’t trust with other  people who we don’t know. Finally, we can use social media but we must be careful not easliy trust people that we don’t know and also we use social media wisely to find source of knowledge.


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